Arizona Eco-School Pilot Program HUB
Thank you to the twelve schools and three AACD Conservation Education Centers that have been selected to be part of the Arizona Eco-School Pilot Program.
This is the main HUB page that will guide the pilot schools and education centers through the requirements and resources for the grant program. Please bookmark this page and visit it often for new information and resources.
Resources for Arizona Eco-School Pilot Program Teachers
Arizona Eco-School Pilot Program Teachers, please use this page as your resource hub throughout the program.
Arizona Eco-School Pilot Program Teachers:
Teachers who are part of the pilot program for Arizona Eco-Schools should use the link to the left to register for the Intro Course on Canvas. This course will introduce you to the Eco-School program and will walk you through the requirements for the grant.
Spring 2021 Leadership Summit
The Spring 2021 Leadership Summit will be virtual. Each school will form an Eco-Action Team of teachers, students, facilitators, and school & community members. Boxes of materials and supplies will be shipped to each pilot school and education center so they can participate in the summit challenges.